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Lavender Varieties
Riverina Thomas: Beautiful dark blue to purple flower that resembles the Amethyst mineral. This cultivar has a strong color and scent. with silvery foliage. These make beautiful long stemmed bundles.

Croxton Wild: This lavender is a light lavender-blue. Excellent in cut and dried flower bouquets. This is also a good culinary lavender.
Folgate: This English lavender is one of the best oil producers and is considered one of the best for culinary uses. It is cold hardy and produces purple flowers.
Hidcote Blue: This lavender produces very fragrant deep purple spikes in late spring and summer. Hidcote Blue makes a great dwarf hedge. It is used for sachets, culinary, dried flowers.
Hidcote Pink has a strong, sweet fragrance and is great for culinary use. This variety has slightly deeper pink flowers.

Melissa: This variety features tightly compact pink and white spikes that bloom longer than other pink lavender plants. It can be used for ornamental or hedging purposes or for a variety of culinary uses. It is described as having a peppery hint, making it a good choice for savory dishes.

Munstead: This is one of the angustifolias that grows well in containers. Munstead is one of the most popular small lavenders to plant in gardens. It is a very fragrant robust lavender that makes a great hedge. It blooms profusely in the spring with dark lavender-blue spikes. It is excellent for making potpourri, oils, and for culinary.

Phenomenal: Winter hardy, extremely fragrant, oil producer, culinary
Royal Velvet: This variety is a small to medium-sized plant. It is one of the best Lavandula angustifolias. Its deep purple flowers and foliage are highly aromatic. It is a great oil producer, excellent for culinary uses, and is one of the best varieties for fresh or dried bouquets. Royal Velvet is an all-purpose plant that is one of the best selling lavender plants.
Sharon Roberts is a medium bushy plant containing green foliage and dark purple/blue flowers. It is suitable for ornamental hedging because it has a long blooming period (double bloomer) and intensely fragrant. This variety is an excellent choice when making fresh bundles.
Twickel Purple has medium purple flowers. The gray green leaves are very attractive. It is an excellent source in tea.
Lavandula Intermedia
Grosso is very hardy. Its long stems that are excellent for dried bouquets and potpourris. Because Grosso is such a high-yielding oil producing plant that it has become the most widely used lavender variety for oil production in the world. This variety is NOT used for culinary.
Hidcote Giant: This is a distinctive lavandin because of its growing habits and the dense unusually shaped spikes, which are excellent for dried bundles, potpourris and more. This slow-growing variety is very fragrant and features flower heads that are a rich deep lavender-purple in color. The plant stems are normally between 18″ to 24″ inches tall.
Provence: This variety is also known as French lavender and is one of the largest lavandins. This variety thrives in hot summers and is prone to fungal diseases if it is too wet. Provence features very long, dense and full spikes that are wonderful for fresh bouquets, lavender wands, potpourri and culinary purposes. The aroma is milder and sweeter than other lavenders. The stems do not dry well for dried bouquets.
Edelweiss has bright white flowers. If you look closely, you may see a hint of blue on the flower buds. Edelweiss has been referred to Grosso White.
Impress Purple is an excellent choice for fresh bouquets. The dusty purple flower spikes appear brushed with silver when held up to the sun. Its aroma is sweet and mild.